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A collection of meetings, conferences and other events organized by members of the GFP or where the GFP is represented.

Jun 2018

GFP related sessions at the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting

At this years AGU 2018 Fall Meeting there will be two sessions that are organized partially by GFP participants and that relate to the GFP. We cordially invite you to submit an abstract to these sessions:

Session Title: H062. Global Floods: Forecasting, Monitoring, Risk Assessment, and Socioeconomic Response

Abstract: The increase in the frequency of flood events due to acceleration of the global water cycle induces more risks to human settlements, especially those on floodplains, in an era of rapid population growth. Monitoring and forecasting of the occurrence, intensity, and evolution of flood events have been critical for many humanitarian and government agencies in their efforts to prepare, mitigate, and manage responses to disaster to save lives and limit damage. Risk assessments prior to events are also vital for developing short-term and long-term management plans. We hope this session could also aim to contribute to the aims of the Global Flood Partnership (GFP), i.e. to foster global flood forecasting, monitoring and impact assessment to strengthen preparedness and response and to reduce global flood disaster losses. We solicit contributions from modeling and remote sensing, socioeconomic sciences, hazard response, and preparedness fields that study flood hazards and risks across spatial scales.

Session Organizers: Huan Wu, Sun Yat-sen University, Dennis P Lettenmaier, University of California Los Angeles, Philip Ward, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Donglian Sun, George Mason University Fairfax 

Session Title: NH008. Compound and Cascading Events: an Emerging Challenge for Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Management

Abstract: This session focuses on compound and cascading events, and their impacts on natural hazard risk. Such events – caused by the interaction of multiple hazard drivers in space or time – have a multiplier effect on the risk to society, infrastructure, and the environment. However, they have been largely overlooked in disaster risk science and policy. Recently, they were identified as an important challenge by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) ‘Grand Challenge’ on Extremes. Therefore, this session aims to provide a platform for showcasing current state-of-the-art and recent research findings on compound, cascading, and concurrent events; and foster broader exchange of knowledge between scientists and practitioners across different natural hazards. We encourage contributions related to all aspects of compound, cascading, and concurrent events, including those that: improve understanding of physical processes; showcase new methodologies, techniques and statistical approaches; and illustrate how including multiple interacting hazards improves risk assessments.

Session Organizers: Philip Ward, Antonia Sebastian, Thomas Wahl, Jakob Zscheischler

Please submit your abstracts from:
The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 1 August 23:59 EDT (Early abstract submission deadline: 25 July 2018, 11:59 PM EDT)





Starting time: Thu, 06/28/2018 - 17:40
Ending time: Thu, 06/28/2018 - 17:40


Join us in the defining, shaping, structuring and launch of the Global Flood Partnership