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A collection of meetings, conferences and other events organized by members of the GFP or where the GFP is represented.

Jul 2024
Nairobi, Kenya

GFP annual conference, Nairobi, Kenya, July 24-26th 2024

Thank you for attending the International GFP annual conference that was held this year in Nairobi, Kenya, July 24-26th, 2024. The annual conference was organized with the support of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the African Union Commission (AUC). The conference, EW4ALL: Strengthening resilience against flooding - Know, Monitor, Communicate, Respond!, featured sessions covering all four pillars of Early Warnings for ALL (EW4ALL): (i) Risk Knowledge, (ii) Monitoring and Warning, (iii) Communication and Dissemination, and (iv) Response and Recovery.



You can download the final agenda of July 22th, 2024 here.


Conference language



Meeting Venue

The Trademark Hotel 

Limuru Road

Village Market, Gigiri

Nairobi, Kenya



  • Albert Kettner, Chair GFP. DFO - Flood Observatory, Univ. or Colorado, USA. Welcome.
  • Amjad Abbashar, UNDRR, Kenya. Welcome.
  • John Mathiaas Kiriwai, AUC. Welcome.
  • Bastian van den Bout, ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands.; Rapid Flood simulation techniques linked with global datasets.
  • Christopher Kusimba Masafu, University of Glasgow/Gallagher Re, UK. Advancing Flood Risk Management: Estimating River Discharge and Validating Flood Models Using Satellite Video Remote Sensing.
  • Marc Manyifika, WRI Africa, Rwanda. Urban Water Resilience.
  • Lorenzo Alfieri, CIMA, Italy. Multi-hazard early warning in Africa.
  • Director Andre Kamga Koamouhoue, African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD), Niger. Flood monitoring and forecasting for Africa: Challenges and opportunities along the value chain.
  • Phoebe Oduor, NASA-SERVIR, USA. Leveraging Earth Observation for Early Warning.
  • James Wanjohi Nyaga, RCMRD, Kenya. Strengthening the network of centers of excellence for Disaster Risk Reduction.
  • Christopher Sampson, Fathom, UK. The accelerating adoption of global flood models across the financial sector.
  • Mathews Wakhungu and Allan Ouko, Kounkuey Design Initiative, Kenya. Contextual and Riparian Flood Mapping: Learning from Practice in Informal Settlements.
  • Dorien Lugt, HKV, the Netherlands. Urban Flood Forecasting using geo-stationary satellite based rainfall information.
  • Elizabeth Mroz, University of Leeds, UK. Floods and Climate Change: A Method to Assess Impacts on Maternal Health Access.
  • Marco Massabo, UNDRR, Kenya. Risk Knowledge for EW4ALL
  • Mansur Bako Matazu and Godefroid Nshimirimana, ACMAD. EW4ALL : Strengthening resilience against flooding

Ignite presentations

  • Edward Kusewa, St.Paul's Univ., Kenya. Empowering Communities: Strategies for Effec(ve Communica(on and Dissemina(on in EW4ALL's Flood Resilience Initiative.
  • Ambrose Otachi, The Creation Care, Kenya. Leveraging Indigenous Knowledge for Flood Resilience.
  • Johanes Amate Belle, University of the Free State-Disaster Management Training and Education Centre for Africa (UFS-DiMTEC), South Africa. The use of Nature based Solutions to build Urban Resilience to Floods in Africa: A case of 2022 flood in Durban, South Africa.
  • Eleonora Panizza, CIMA Research Foundation - University of Genoa, Italy. Enhancing agent-based modeling for flood displacement management in the IGAD Region.
  • Micah Namukoko, Zambia Meteorological Department, Zambia. Enhancing Nowcasting Weather Forecasts for Vulnerable Communities in Zambia.
  • Irene Karani, Institute of Climate Change Adaptation, University of Nairobi, Kenya. The Role of Social Capital in Enhancing Resilience to Flooding in Nairobi's Informal Settlements.
  • Judith Mmbone, NGO, Kenya. Soil Erosion in Kenya.
  • Serah Muthoni Gitau, NGO, Kenya. Study on disaster Risk Preparedness in Informal Settlements of Nyeri Town, Nyeri County, Kenya.
  • Jim Nelson, Brigham Young University, USA. GEOGLOWS and Early Warning for All Projects in Collaboration with the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI).
  • Calvince Akello Wara, Nile Basin Initiative, Uganda. Flood Assessment and Hydrological Outlook in the Nile River Basin - Nile Equatorial Lakes Region.
  • Ervin Zsoter, ECMWF, UK. Recent evolution of the Global Flood Awareness System.
  • Guy Schumann, RSS-Hydro, Luxembourg. Simple solutions for complex challenges: a tracker to help flood managers navigate EO tools.
  • Aneta Jelinkova, People in Need, Ethiopia. Early Warning System 1294: An Adaptable Technology Promoting Safety for All.
  • Martijn Kwant, Deltares, the Netherlands. Interactive Forecasting with Delft-FEWS.

Poster guidelines

The poster boards are configured for up to 46" wide by 60" tall (portrait orientation) posters (116 cm wide by 152 cm tall). Anything larger than these dimensions will reduce the space of your colleagues so please be respectful of these poster dimensions.



Group photo

Early Career Event Dinner



Starting time: Wed, 07/24/2024 - 08:00
Ending time: Fri, 07/26/2024 - 17:00
City: Nairobi, Kenya


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