Flood Risk Workshop – 1-3 October 2018 in Boulder Colorado, USA.
Registration for the Flood Risk Workshop has been closed September 1st, 2018.
The NASA supported international Flood Risk Workshop (https://sites.google.com/view/flood-risk-ws) is bringing together government agencies, humanitarian aid organizations, insurance and re-insurance providers, private sector industries, as well as academic and research institutions from around the world to increase collaboration and improve access to and flow of information around flood risk. Flood risk assessments of both exposure and vulnerability should leverage the best available data- but often those producing or using such assessments are unaware of what is available. It is our intension to improve collaboration and data exchange by bringing people together around the following discussion topics:
- Status quo - what flood data is out there, what is missing;
- Flood financing – how best to move towards forecast based financing to assure release of aid in time and to have a proper insurance system in place for flooding; and
- new technologies – how can online and social media and commercialization of space help in identifying flood risk areas.
Outcomes of the meeting will be posted most likely in the form of a report on the workshop website as well as here on the GFP site.
This three-day international workshop is organized by:
Guy Schumann (gjpschumann@gmail.com )
Albert Kettner (albert.kettner@gmail.com)
Beth Tellman (beth@cloudtostreet.info)